BingoAustralia Announces Latest ‘The Greatest Show in Australia’ Bingo Promo

If you have been keeping up with Bingo Australia’s ‘The Greatest Show in Australia’ Bingo promotion, then you’ll certainly want to know about their latest contest.

Between August 8th and August 14th, players will have the opportunity to show off their muscles by testing their strength in the Winner Takes All Bingo Contest.

During the contest, gamers must work to get the Bingo ball to go as high as possible. As a result, the top ten players of the week will be awarded a combination of cash, bingo bucks and entries toward the grand prize draw. Points can be collected each time you receive a Bingo on any of the ‘Show’ themed patterns. Such patterns will take place each night from 8pm to 10pm in the Main Room.

Each pattern will award a $75 fixed jackpot in addition to the grand prize draw entries.